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Education for Tomorrow

Our world is undergoing massive change and education systems haven’t kept up. Students need more than book knowledge to thrive today. Schools everywhere are struggling to adapt. How do we talk about success in childhood, and beyond, without getting trapped in disabling conversations about politics and conflict?

Discourse Media is developing a neutral space for discussions about education in Canada. What do we want our society to be like and how can we prepare our kids for that? Learn more.

What’s working in Canadian schools? Got a story to share?

Get in touch.

Can universities lead the movement toward reconciliation?

Kate Black
| November 16, 2015

How can Indigenous voices be better represented in the media?

Alexander Kim
| November 13, 2015

How do we change who we’re really voting for?

Josie Lukey
| November 9, 2015

How do we build community in our cities?

Cameron Raynor
| November 5, 2015

How do we bridge the engagement gap?

Michaela Slinger
| October 30, 2015
Be part of the impact

At Discourse, we believe we can achieve more by collaborating than we can accomplish alone. That’s why we invite the public, community organizations, media outlets, journalists and funders to work with us.

How affordable housing can reduce emissions

Christopher Adams
| October 28, 2015

Where are we now?

Kevin Rey
| October 26, 2015

A vision from the future: Canada in 2035, if young people were in charge

Arno Rosenfeld
| October 23, 2015

Why Possible Canadas?

Tari Ajadi
| October 23, 2015

Possible Canadas: What do young people want Canada to be?

Nelly Bouevitch
| October 16, 2015

How we’re using new digital storytelling forms for solutions journalism

Christine McLaren
| January 22, 2015


Ashoka CanadaJ.W. McConnell Family FoundationNew Pedagogies for Deep Learning