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Gender and Identity

Public conversations about discrimination and inequality often lack the nuance required to move beyond victim-blaming narratives and make constructive change.

We aim to produce solutions-focused journalism that shifts national narratives about the lived experiences of Canadians of all genders, as well as broader conversations around gender and identity. This means producing media content that’s driven by data and highly responsive to the voices of traditionally underrepresented communities.

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Women voice Site C concerns as impacts stay hidden

Emma Jones
| November 8, 2017

'No free, prior and informed consent': Rape culture in boom and bust towns

Emma Jones
| November 8, 2017

Where’s the accountability around gender equity in Canada?

Emma Jones
| October 6, 2017

Cree elder reflects on one dam, worries about the next

Emma Jones
| September 21, 2017

Real talk with artist Vivek Shraya: On womanhood, allyship and fighting white supremacy

Emma Jones
| August 23, 2017
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At Discourse, we believe we can achieve more by collaborating than we can accomplish alone. That’s why we invite the public, community organizations, media outlets, journalists and funders to work with us.

How are Indigenous women affected by resource extraction?

Emma Jones
| August 11, 2017

5 tips for reporting on gender — as told by you

Emma Jones
| August 2, 2017

Feminist Media Club: Stories of (in)visibility edition

Emma Jones
| July 19, 2017

Ways to fix B.C.’s broken anti-violence sector — from the women who know it best

Emma Jones
| May 18, 2017

Fact-checking the BC Liberals’ ‘accomplishments’ on gender equity

Brent Holmes
, Emma Jones | May 5, 2017

We analyzed the platforms of B.C.’s big 3 parties through a gender lens

Brent Holmes
, Emma Jones | May 4, 2017

It’s 2017 — but some rape survivors in B.C. are waiting two years for counselling

Emma Jones
| May 1, 2017

Do you think the media can do a better job of covering gender-based violence?

Emma Jones
| April 28, 2017