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Discourse Media takes an open access approach, making tools we develop through our projects available for journalists and others to use in their own work. These range from datasets and news apps to landscape or situational analyses, all designed to help you deepen your work on the issues we focus on.

Data Journalism

How to unlock the Canadian government's secrets

Francesca Fionda
| November 2, 2017

Positions on PNW LNG

Caitlin Havlak
| October 20, 2016

Who has authority over Lelu Island?

Brielle Morgan
, Ash Kelly, Caitlin Havlak | June 23, 2016

Technical Summary

Caitlin Havlak
| May 23, 2016

How long are Indigenous people staying in school?

Caitlin Havlak
| May 22, 2016

How race impacts interactions with police

Caitlin Havlak
| May 19, 2016


Landscape Analysis

How do we talk about success in childhood?

Daniel Stahl
| October 30, 2016

Guide for pitching ideas to Discourse Media

Erin Millar
| October 30, 2016

Seven ideas for reconciling journalism

Caitlin Havlak
, Erin Millar | October 30, 2016

What are journalism schools doing?

Erin Millar
| October 30, 2016

Books, media and analysis

Erin Millar
| October 30, 2016

Online resources for reporters

Erin Millar
| October 30, 2016