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Power Struggle

Collaborative journalism: How you can get involved

We want to see equitable and sustainable access to energy globally, and we believe stories are essential in moving us forward. Help us get there.

Deepak Adhikari interviews Narbada Kumari Chaudhary.

Below is a short list of ways we’d love to see you get involved in our ongoing energy solutions reporting. But before getting into that, a note on why we’d love to see you get involved and how we envision our… relationship:

We believe journalism is a collective responsibility. The best story ideas come from community, from the people who are living with the issues and witnessing the solutions firsthand. At Discourse Media, it’s really important to us to work with people, as opposed to reporting on them. This means we create space for feedback and ideas and make a genuine effort to listen. It means checking in and following up.

We realize building trust takes time, and we aspire to gain it by reporting fairly and accurately, and by being transparent about when and how we (inevitably and regretfully) screw up – and what we’re doing to correct ourselves. (We can’t expect people to tell us their truths without telling ours.)

Here are a few ways you can help us tell a deeper, more inclusive story about access to energy:


Tell us how you’re using Power Struggle.

Impact is a tricky thing to measure, but impact stories can help inform the direction of our reporting and our next project. Has a story you read on Power Struggle compelled you to take action? Did it lead to a conversation with friends? A new project you’re working on? A letter to a politician? We’d love to hear from you: .

Tell us how to get better.

What stories and perspectives are we missing? What opportunities are we overlooking? Send your feedback and story ideas to .

Report with us!

Are you a journalist looking to collaborate? We’re always looking for ways to combine resources and ideas with an aim toward more impactful reporting. Be in touch: .

Fund us.

Would you love to see more solutions-focused stories that deal in the intersection between energy poverty and climate change or another complex issue? Do you have a little money to throw at that? Call us!

Stay in touch.

Sign up for our newsletter. We’ll tell you what we did, what we’re doing and who’s inspiring us. More importantly, we’ll let you know about ways you can get involved in our reporting at all stages of the cycle – from idea generation to critical feedback.