Do you think the media can do a better job of covering child welfare?
Help guide us — take reporter Brielle Morgan's survey.
I’ve been hearing from people close to the system that they are tired of tragedy-driven coverage that does little to inspire hope or illustrate ways forward for young people and families.
I want to respond to these concerns by producing journalism investigations, stories, fact checks and “explainer” videos that are truly community-driven. So, I'm asking youth in and from care, birth parents, foster parents, social workers, advocates, policy makers and concerned Canadians for guidance. Your answers to these questions will help us decide what to investigate — we may even ask you to join us in investigating or producing a story.
Click, here, to fill out the survey. I've also included my questions, below:
- By way of introducing yourself, is there anything you would like to share about your connection(s) to the child welfare system?
- How can media do a better job of reporting on child welfare?
- What's one question you have about B.C.'s child welfare system that a journalist might investigate?
- Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you! We really appreciate you taking the time. Feel free to share this with others. And if you know someone with a powerful story or unique perspective on child welfare, kindly connect us: ; 778-903-1982.