What if everyone had the empathy, access to sophisticated information and imagination to engage in dialogue about complex issues and take action? 


Independent journalism projects: We create projects about complex issues, published in partnership with media outlets and on standalone digital platforms. Funded by philanthropic organizations, corporate sponsorship, universities and/or crowdfunding campaigns.

Media-commissioned content and consulting: We function as a one-stop freelance shop where media outlets can commission editorial, data analysis and interactives, infographics and digital content. We also provide workshops, training and consulting on data journalism, community-based reporting and engagement.

Workshops, talks and event services: We provide a suite of services to event organizers, museums and educational institutions designed to use the tools of journalism to stimulate dialogue and capture knowledge. 

Speciality publications: We develop digital publications and engagement strategies designed to mobilize knowledge among targeted audiences. Commissioned by non-profits, foundations, think tanks and academic organizations.

Consulting: We share our expertise on strategy, digital media, community engagement and journalism innovation with organizations that share our values.