

Brielle Morgan, Discourse’s community engagement editor (centre), and Access to Energy Journalism fellows (left to right) Fabíola Ortiz, Christopher Pollon, Faisal Mahmud and Elias Ntungwe Ngalame at the Waterloo Global Science Initiative’s OpenAccess Energy Summit in 2016.

Independent journalism projects

We create journalism projects about complex issues, published digitally for our growing audience and in partnership with media outlets.  

We leverage the tools of new media to tell stories in innovative ways. Our projects range from print and digital editorial packages commissioned by major media outlets to independent journalism productions supported by philanthropic organizations, non-profit organizations, corporate sponsors, universities — and people like you.

Landscape analyses

Before we embark on a comprehensive journalism project, we produce what we call a landscape analysis that examines a specific issue or a particular geography through a journalistic lens.

What reporting is happening — or not? What is the state of public discourse and how can it be improved? Who’s on the ground? How are stories being told, and to whom? Is the public interest being served? Are there opportunities to add richness and depth to the discourse or bring new tools to bear that add value and create impact? We share these findings in digital publications and design responsive reporting strategies based on community feedback and demand.

We also produce analyses that enable foundations, non-profits, think tanks and academic institutions to understand how to better mobilize knowledge and share solutions for social impact through journalism practice and widespread media dissemination.

Data journalism

Discourse uses data journalism to make complex issues easier to understand and to identify systemic issues through deep analysis. Our visual tools help tell stories often hidden from the general public or buried in scientific reports.

Examples of our data journalism:

News apps:
Data visualizations:
Data analysis:
Journalism fellowships

Discourse Media has pioneered a journalism fellowship model that allows us to cost-efficiently harness reporters in Canada and around the globe to dig into and share stories about some of the big issues of our time. Through Power Struggle, our collaborative journalism project exploring how energy poverty impacts people around the world, we have created a methodology for finding working journalists, helping them do reporting they wouldn’t otherwise get to do, networking them with other journalists, training them in solutions-focused storytelling, and dramatically expanding the reach of their reporting through syndication partnerships with major media who welcome original content from a trusted partner. Our fellowship model can be sized to any geography and adapted to any issue.

Media-commissioned content and consulting

We function as a one-stop freelance shop where media outlets can commission editorial and data journalism content. We provide workshops, training and consulting on data journalism, community-based reporting methods and engagement.

Erin Millar, Discourse’s editor-in-chief and CEO, speaks at Vancouver Press Club’s “The Future of Journalism” panel.

Workshops and talks

We provide a suite of workshops and talks that share our journalism methods at conferences and events and in educational institutions.

Workshop/talk subject areas:
      1. Solutions journalism
      2. Using journalism to amplify impact
      3. Engaging communities
      4. Collaborative reporting
      5. Data journalism
      6. The future of journalism
      7. Canada’s changing media landscape

We share our expertise on strategy, digital media, community engagement and journalism innovation with organizations that share our belief in the potential of public interest journalism to have a positive impact on our world.

If you are interested in any of our products or services please contact .