Category Archives: What we are learning
What is journalism doing to carry out reconciliation with Indigenous peoples? This was the question I was invited to ponder earlier this month at “Reconciliation Journalism,” a conference sponsored and hosted by the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation on Wasan Island, Ont. But what are Indigenous people doing to understand journalism? That is my overriding thought after attending. The small conference brought together journalists, academics and community activists to discuss and…
In a recent post for the Toronto Star, Ry Moran of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation asked, “What makes us Canadian?” “From beer commercials to first-year political science classes, this question has echoed throughout much of our history. For many years, we carefully built the narrative that we are a peace-loving peoples — true, north, strong, and free. We are these things. I believe that. But we are…
Written by: Kendra Perrin By way of a brief introduction, I am spending two months at Discourse Media as a research intern. The university I attend—Quest University Canada—requires its students to design and complete a minimum of one class of experiential learning in pursuit of their Bachelor’s Degree. (DM co-founder Erin Millar also happened to teach me journalism this past fall at Quest!) Throughout my internship here I am writing…
When we launched Discourse Media almost one year ago, we had a lot of questions. We had a hunch that a more collaborative approach to journalism would enable us to do a better job of reporting on potential solutions to major problems. We felt this concept applied to all levels of the journalistic process: reporting, engaging audiences and the ever-ominous funding question. The most innovative sectors of every field are achieving results…
I like to think of Discourse Media as a laboratory in which to experiment with new ways of doing journalism to improve reporting on solutions. Over the past year, we’ve learned a lot from these experiments. What would happen if we embedded two journalists at a gathering of civic innovators? (The Doable City Reader.) Could we create independent journalism while working directly with a client sponsoring our content? (The Spirit of…