What if everyone had the empathy, access to sophisticated information and imagination to engage in dialogue about complex issues and take action?

About us 

Discourse Media is an independent media company that produces and enables in-depth journalism about complex issues. Our work is collaborative, inclusive and driven by intentional impact.

We leverage new media to tell stories in innovative ways and meaningfully engage partners, media outlets and the general public. Our projects range from print and digital editorial packages commissioned by major media outlets to complex, independently-funded journalism projects that involve stand-alone websites, data analysis and interactives, multimedia content, strategic partnerships and deep engagement strategies.

How we collaborate

We collaborate with a wide range of organizations and communities that are rich sources of data and narratives. Using innovative reporting methods, we involve people and communities impacted in all stages of our process.

We work with journalists and media outlets by providing editorial and data analysis services, initiating partnerships to reallocate resources, creating fellowships to enable in-depth reporting and offering workshops, training and consulting. 

We partner with funders that value public interest journalism and respect the principles of journalistic integrity.

Our projects and services

Independent journalism projects: We create projects about complex issues, published in partnership with media outlets and on standalone digital platforms. Funded by philanthropic organizations, corporate sponsorship, universities and/or crowdfunding campaigns.

Media-commissioned content and consulting: We function as a one-stop freelance shop where media outlets can commission editorial, data analysis and interactives, infographics and digital content. We also provide workshops, training and consulting on data journalism, community-based reporting and engagement.

Workshops, talks and event services: We provide a suite of services to event organizers, museums and educational institutions designed to use the tools of journalism to stimulate dialogue and capture knowledge. 

Speciality publications: We develop digital publications and engagement strategies designed to mobilize knowledge among targeted audiences. Commissioned by non-profits, foundations, think tanks and academic organizations.

Consulting: We share our expertise on strategy, digital media, community engagement and journalism innovation with organizations that share our values.

Our values

We adhere to journalistic principles including truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability. We put the public interest before the interests of our partners, and are transparent about our funding sources. We follow the Canadian Association of Journalists ethics guidelines.

We devote the resources necessary to produce in-depth, nuanced journalism that addresses systemic issues. Before embarking on a project, we analyze public dialogue and design an approach that responds to a gap in dialogue or information need. We involve communities in every step of our process, from project design to reporting to dialogue after publication, and are mindful of our journalism’s impact on public discourse.